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Dan Culhane Kindness Legacy: An Update

I realize that it has been a very long time since I have mentioned anything about the Dan Culhane Kindness Legacy and an update is in order.

The fund is still going forward. However, due to the circumstances surrounding Dan's death, plans for the Dan Culhane Kindness Legacy had to be put on hold until a number of issues were worked out. Now that those things have been resolved, we can go back to focusing on the purpose and mission of the fund

All of the monies donated to date have been deposited in a bank account at Blaze Credit Union in Maple Grove. A special thank you to those of you who have continued to make donations even though we had temporarily pushed pause on the process. 

I am taking the remainder of the summer to focus on things in my personal life and then starting September 2024, the work begins again to bring the Dan Culhane Kindness Legacy come to life.

I’m very excited about the ideas that have been discussed and the plans yet to be made. I hope that all of you who love and support both me and Dan will be as excited as I am to bring these hopes and ideas to fruition.

In addition, the writing started on the “Well, This Sucks” blog will pick up again in September. Some very wise people have encouraged me to start writing again, to give updates on the fund, to tell some stories, to share my grief journey, and more. I hope you’ll join me in that work too.

As always, thank you for your love and support and always remember to spread kindness. #spreadkindness.




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